Monday, April 2, 2018

The Home Depot's Deceptive Deferred Interest Charges

Be careful of the deferred interest charges with your The Home Depot Credit card. They don't put anything on your bill for you to be able to allocate your payment to the 'deferred interest' charges. All of your payment goes to the 'revolving balance'. They claimed this was because the 'revolving balance' has higher interest rates. When actually they do this so they can slam you with all the deferred interest down the road.

They also claim that there isn't enough room to put any information about allocating funds on your bill. However they have plenty of advertisements on the bill, including the whole back of the second page. There is a whole section on the part you return with your bill advertising the workshops they host, so obviously there would be room for a second line where instead of just 'amount paid' there could be a line for 'amount allocated for deferred interest.

I've always made my payments online where there is plenty of room for them to put any information regarding allocating your payment and have also never seen a section where you would do this. Apparently you'd have to magically know it exists and then search all over the site like an Easter egg hunt to find it.

I want Home Depot to change their practice of purposely making it hard for their consumers to pay off their deferred interest balance. There is no way to opt out of this practice and I feel it is scamming consumers. What a shame that they claim this program of deferred interest is helping the consumer when in actuality the only one it's helping is Home Depots' pockets.

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