Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Composting Benefits and Uses

We all have kitchen waste, from the peels of potatoes to the ends of tomatoes. What we do with that waste can really make a difference, in both your yard and the environment. When the scraps of food you toss out end up in the local landfill, it produces methane. Methane is harmful to the environment. The problem with the food waste is that it gets buried and doesn't get a chance to break down properly to form compost. When you compost at home and take care of your little heap of black gold it gets all the things it needs to turn itself into compost. Your plants will love it once it's all broken down and ready to go.

So now lets talk about some of the things that I compost most often: coffee grounds, eggshells and the peels from things like potatoes, carrtos and onions. I save an old plastic coffee conatainer with a lid to keep my scraps in until they are ready to go out to the compost bin. Its a great way to reuse something that would normally end up in the dump and it keeps any smell or fruit flies away. What are your favorite things to compost? Find us on Facebook!

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